Charlotte Horrex Bursary
This fund is available to subsidise Energy Psychology consultations for clients who have breast cancer. I have set it up in memory of a dear friend, Charlotte, who lost her life to this disease in 2012, aged 46.
Charlotte was an amazing woman. She had borne her suffering over a number of years with fortitude and resilience, doing as much in every single day of her life as her illness allowed. As well as her very quick wit and intelligence (used to great effect as a former 'hot-shot' lawyer) she possessed a wonderful sense of humour, and never gave up trying to cure herself, using both traditional and alternative approaches. She found great benefit from Energy Psychology, particularly in clearing past hurts and in reducing the anxiety associated with her illness.
When I was left a legacy in Charlotte’s will I decided that I would like to use it to help people in their healing journey. I hope that Charlotte would have approved!
If you are suffering from breast cancer and would like to find out how Energy Psychology might help you, please get in touch via the contact form, telephone numbers or email.
Charlotte in her favourite role - 'Mum'.